Sunday, July 27, 2008

Helianthus annuus - Sunflower

These are some annual sunflowers that one of my parents neighbors planted out in a field. We walked by yesterday and once I saw them I knew I had to come back with my camera so I took the photo early this morning.
There are many kinds of sunflower -- and many are perennials here that often grow on the sides of the road. These really large, showy varieties are typically annuals. Sunflowers in the bud stage of growth actually turn and follow the sun from east to west during the day. Once the flower is in full bloom the stem is stiff and the flower usually faces east.
If you want to grow annual sunflowers they are easy to find in seed packets and should be planted at least an inch deep and a couple feet apart in a full sun location. Organic soil with mulch will help them thrive for you.
Annual sunflowers are native to South America.